Recently, our family have been loving bread from Sophie Bakery. Don't underestimate the boring look bread above (hehe, took a few bites!) It is actually white chocolate flavour and the texture's great. Was quite surprised because I don't think such unique texture can be found in other bakery stores. Try one if you ever pass by Sophie Bakery! :)
Click here to check out their store locations

Boyfriend's younger brother bought a Cupcake book for me (so sweet!) with his SGD$100 Popular shopping vouchers and i literally squealed when he passed it to me! Thank you Wz! :)

Look how cute these cupcakes are?
Definitely gonna make good use of this recipe book and bake delicious cupcakes!
Side note: am i blogging too frequent? Ever since I had my digital camera, it is so much convenient to bring around and pictures are easily snapped! Haha. Anyway! Boyfriend & I are going to try our best to visit at least one cafe / eateries during each weekend so we won't have the chance to say that Singapore is boring (But it is, right?)
If you have any interesting places to visit / interesting things to do, leave me a comment! :)
One more day to Friday!
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