8th August 2013, Thursday
Went over to grandparent's house for dinner with boyfriend & family as usual. It's like a weekly routine and i love this arrangement of mine. Besides the fact that home cooked food is always the best, I love seeing my grandparents too! Had supper at Swee Choon with friends and slept over at grandparent's place :)
9th August 2013, Friday
The next day, woke up with 2 red eggs made with love by my lovely grandma and 2 red packets from them as well. As apparently, my Chinese birthday falls on 9th August too!

Thank you grandparents for always remembering my Chinese birthday :)
Because i always can't seem to remember haha
You know... each year i would always tell my friends or boyfriend that i want to go for NDP but always failed to get tickets. This year was no exception too. Till Hannah called me the night before, told me she had 2 extra tickets and asked if i want to go. Immediately, i said YES!
The last time I participated in NDP was in Primary 5? So i really hope that i could participate it again! And here we are at the Floating Platform to celebrate Singapore's 48th Birthday :)

Hannah & her sister!

The tee I'm wearing is from www.infinitepixie.com

Goodie bag!

& all of a sudden.... BOOMZ!

Googled and it should be classified as colourful smoke bombs!

Leopard Tank

Ah Boys To Men cast came down to perform too!

Marching Contingent
Really salute them for standing for so long!

M3G Military Float Bridge


Boyfriend's Tee - BMTC School 4 , 2nd Coy

And it was the rest of the miscellaneous performances next! Which honestly, i was dreading it at the start. But turned out, it was pretty entertaining!

Boyfriend, Hannah & I got pretty excited with the the performers doing tricks with their BMX

Time was indeed passing really quickly and this is the moment which everyone was looking forward to - Fireworks!

Not the best picture but the most acceptable picture among all group shots
Thank you Hannah for inviting us! <3
Also, i need to mention that her sister is getting prettier year by year.
Will blog about Long Weekend #2 in my next entry. In the meantime, enjoy your Sunday! Quite sad that the long weekend is coming to an end :(
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