I have so many drafts left in my blogger account and seriously, I felt the need to quickly publish them before 2013 comes to an end. It is a little hilarious that today's entry is about my trip to USS Halloween which took place in October when Christmas is already over. Nonetheless, here goes! :)

Pardon my room, it's really messy at the back
#OOTD shot before leaving the house and yes, our outfits are really crumpled haha! Also, not sure if you can tell but I painted my nails orange to fit into the Halloween theme / mood.

Dirty converse for the day!

Dinner first!

It's really empty as I supposed most of the people are already queuing for the rides and attractions. Nonetheless, affordable and simple meal first as we were really starving!

Onion rings & cheese fries!

Chicken Burger

Poor mommy being frightened very frequently, for the whole night haha

I've only taken pictures of the entire trip till this far because I really wanted to enjoy myself for the entire night. Not going into much details about this trip since it's already over, way long ago. I'll have to say that it's really worth it despite the crowd and the waiting time for the haunted houses and rides.
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