I know this space has been rather dead but that's because i was flooded with work for almost a month and counting + with the new house preparation and moving day on 19th May. It was much more tedious than i expected. It's more or less settled now in the new house, but am worn out. The whole process drained me out completely :'(
Feeling sick since yesterday morning and I can't wait to be all healthy again! Nonetheless, decided to cook my favourite Salmon Spaghetti with Carbonara sauce for the whole family.
W H A T Y O U 'L L N E E D
- Salt, Black Pepper, Oil
- Salmon (I got mine from the supermarket)
- Spaghetti (You may use your own pasta choice such as Linguine etc...)
- Carbonara Sauce (You get those bottled ones from the supermarket as well)

1. Get a big pot and fill it with water and wait for it to boil

2. Sprinkle some salt and add in your pasta
I had my fire on at about medium high heat

While the pasta is cooking, you can start to season your salmon
3. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on each side of your salmon

4. Add in olive oil (or normal oil) and i had my fire on at about medium high heat as well
5. Add in your salmon and remember, skin side down
You want the skin to be crispy, not soggy. If your salmon is about an inch thick, cook it for about 4 minutes on each side. And when each side is cooking, do not flip it otherwise. Also, unless my salmon is sushi grade, I like my salmon to be all the way cooked through.
6. Once the first side of the salmon is done, flip it and start to warm up your carbonara sauce

7. Tada! You're halfway done, look at the crispy skin *drools*
While the salmon is almost done, the pasta should be ready too. Usually, i would keep about 1/4 of the stock water which you used to boil your water in the first step. Just in case the sauce gets too creamy, you can add in the stock water to loosen up a little bit!
8. Drain your pasta and pour it into the carbonara sauce and mix well
I've added 1/4 of the stock water and let it boil for 1-2 minutes before i turned off the fire

9. Get ready your plates and start to plate them!

10. Dig in!
This recipe is really easy which takes about 15 minutes in total. I love the fact that salmon is rich in omega fats and it's also one of my favourite fish. Instead of carbonara sauce you can use tomato sauce etc.. but i thought salmon works well with carbonara sauce instead ;)
Here are some random visuals:

I got the MBMJ Inspired Phone Cover for myself too and you can get yours here too: http://www.infinitepixie.com/p/accessories.html for SGD$9.90!
Personally, I don't think it's a good investment to get the real deal. Because previously, I was using an authentic MBMJ case and it peeled really badly within 1 month usage. Ever since, i told myself MBMJ cases are not worth it anymore. Specially not when it cost like SGD$70 and above... but thank god i got mine previously for SGD$35 due to a promotion. So not much of a heartache haha

My bedroom slipper
Got this from Bangkok, Chatuchak last year and finally had the chance to use it!
Here's a sneak peak to how my new room looks like:

My red hair extension which i bought for fun during my work trip a few months ago. And yes, that's my boyfriend fooling around with it. Hahaha!
So that's all for today and i hope you enjoyed the photos as i took some time off to edit the photos. Also, i've received a few questions on ask.fm about how is my blogskin done etc... and the credits are placed at the sidebar on the right bottom of my blog. Else, the rest are edited by me.
Hope you had a great Monday!
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