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Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Zoo Trip

I decided to give a few days off from work since boyfriend is having his block leave now and would really wanna cherish all the time i am able to spend with him. On another hand, i've been working hard for the past 2 weeks and i guess i should give myself a rest. For the past few days, we could just spend the whole day eating. More pictures on that will be uploaded soon. And we decided to head to the zoo today!!! I wanted to make a trip down to the zoo since the start of last year but due to our schedule, we couldn't make it. So, we seized the chance today! :)

Me being so excited! Haha. 

Look at the otters! 

This vending machine is cursed. 

It started to rain quite heavily so we decided to seek for shelter and me being forever thirsty, i decided to get a bottle of drink. Even though it cost a bomb like what? $3? And when i insert the first $1 coin, it slide down but it didn't went in so it remained there. Stucked. So i inserted another $1 coin thinking that it would be able to push the first coin but no it didn't, it got stucked too! 

I peeped and there was so many coins stucked in there! 
Boyfriend tried to use paper and get the money out. We got our money back in the end and decided to just endure and buy a bottle of drink at the convenience store instead. Urgh. 

And that's the end of the zoo trip's pictures.

Was kinda disappointed that we couldn't visit the Kidz world as i would very much love to see the ponies!! We woke up late and only reached about 1pm? Hehe. Would make a trip back perhaps at the end of the year! :)

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